Sunday, February 16, 2014

Developing a PD Curriculum: Using Less Paper: Edmodo and Google Drive

As a student I'm completing the course, ET5063 Technology for Staff Development at American College of Education.  I will be graduating from ACE with a Masters in Education Technology in March of 2014. In this assignment I have development a curriculum using a blended learning environment with a two week timeline.

Using Less paper: Edmodo and Google Drive

Teachers will learn how to use Edmodo to create a classroom that will use less paper by using Google. This class will be taught using a blended learning environment. I will model the strategies taught by using documents that were created with Google drive. Learners will have a optional open lab environment available to them at a specific time. This will give teachers the extra support if needed to create the documents required for the class. 

Learning Objectives:
The learner will explain the steps of connecting their Edmodo account with their Google drive. This will allow the learner’s accounts to interact with each other. The learner will understand the steps of creating documents with google drive to support their lesson objectives. This will let the learner digitize handouts that are normally discarded after their use. The learner will demonstrate the process of distributing documents to students through Edmodo.

Welcome Video:

Do you need a Refresher on Edmodo?
Video: Do you need a Edmodo Refresher? Optional

Group Discussion:  Please Introduce yourself to the group.

Group Discussion : How do you currently use Edmodo and Google Drive in your classroom?

Video: Introduction to Google Drive

Video: Introduction to Google Docs

Video: Introduction to Google Presentation Video: Introduction to Google Form

Formative Evaluation Due

Optional Lab Day: Teachers have a Choice to come to and open lab to work on assignment. Learner will reinforce skills they have learned.

Assignment Due Monday Morning: Transform a Handout, Presentation, and Form using google drive. Preferable create materials that you were going to hand out the old fashion way to use in your classroom.

Week 2:

Group Discussion : Share out your experiences working on this assignment.

Video Edmodo Attaching Google Drive

Video Edmodo Posting Presentations, Handouts or Forms

Video Edmodo Creating a library & sharing

Optional Lab Day: Teachers have a Choice to come to and open lab to work on assignment. Learner will reinforce skills they have learned.

Final Assignment Due Monday

Students will create Libraries, and post the three assignments to their classrooms.

Summative Assignment Due

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