Saturday, December 7, 2013

Google Summit 20

I'm still trying to take in everything I learned today at the Region 20 Google Summit today in San Antonio. I had a great time catching up with tech leaders in my district and making new friends.

Keynote speaker Todd Nesloney is a 4th grade teacher from Texas. He's won a crazy amount of awards, even ones from the president of the United States! You can learn more about him from his website and

He was a great speaker and I could spend hours learning from him, in fact he popped up in several of my workshops later in the day! 

I asked him about posting his students work and photos online. He reminded me that all schools have some sort of release but double check to see where it is okay to post photos. On personal websites be sure not to get students faces, last name or anything distinguishable . He also gave me a suggestion, use code names! Students love them, and they are soo much cooler! I don't know about you, but I have 170 students..that's alot of code names!! But I'm sure I can work something out! 

Another Topic was twitter! Todd suggested checking out your new to twitter!  Todd spoke about how many of the ideas he has used in this classroom he has gotten from other teachers he has met on twitter! Be a connected Teacher! 

Follow me at @edtechartist and Direct Message me on and I'll follow you back! 

I can't wait to share more with you! Be on the lookout soon! I'm so excited!

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