Blog Lovin' is a Blog Rss reader. Which means it takes the post/articles from all your favorite blogs and send them to one place! Its awesome if you read one blog or 100's of blogs..Yes some people read 100's!
Its super easy to create a bloglovin' account and add all the blogs you read to. I used to use Google Reader but google doesnt support it anymore! So Blog Lovin' is a great fix. I'm also able to import all the blogs i used to read from google reader!
Here is how you add Bloglovin' to your blogger blog.
First your going to create an account at
Then your going to click the arrow down next to the little blue heart and select Your Blog.
Then your going to click Claim your Blog. Yep I have No followers so far because I'm teaching you everything as I do it for my blog. Maybe one day I can update this image :D
So Bloglovin' may ask you to prove that the blog your claiming is yours! To do this create a post and copy and paste the code into the post. Then publish the post.. Then you can click Claim on blog lovin' and your done. You then can go back and delete the post with the code in it!
Your going to click the down arrow again and go to Bloglovin' Button
The Select the Button you would like to appear on your blogger.

Then it will take you to your blogger account. Its a good idea to be logged into blogger at this point. And it will ask you again if you would like to add this widget. 

Lastly it will take you to your Layout Page to ask you where you would like to put your widget.
Remeber !!! To SAVE Layout!
Leave me a link to your Bloglovin’ account and I’ll add you to my reader
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